I Love My Bike – My Bike Tolerates Me

I’m really good about finding reasons not to ride my bike. Rain, a cold, a thing for work that has to be done by the morning, whatever; if there’s a reason not to ride, I usually take it. And that’s dumb, because I love riding my bike. I love it so much that I set up a special blog just for recording when I ride. Now I’m trying to ride more, and I’m trying to put most of my online self here. So, bike posts get posted here and mixed into everything else. Whee!

Here’s today’s ride: short, hot, and slow. Just like me!

Map of today's bike ride.
18 miles, 13 mph. Like lightning! Like really slow lightning!

Tomorrow, riding gets more difficult. Daylight Saving Time ends, which means sunset shows up around five, and riding in the dark on Los Angeles streets can be spooky. And winter is coming, so cold and rain are on the way.

See? Excuses.

But I do plan to ride more at least until the next Ciclavia. It’s right by my old neighborhood, so I feel obligated to ride it (and ride to it). I hope it doesn’t rain.

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