A Reasonable Magnet – One Beatles Anagram

Just one Beatles anagram album today. But it's a big one.

Only one? Yup, but this one took a while. I knew it would.

I should have taken more time. Or less time. Some amount of time other than the amount I took. Whichever it was, it’s not changing now. So let me introduce to you:

Pungent Trolls Bleed By Scrapheaps (Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Pungent Trolls Bleed By Scrapheaps
You can see exactly where I went from “Changing all these faces will be fun” to “I’m going to just paste in a Mothers of Invention cover and call it a day.”

I did sneak in a couple of jokes so weak and obscure that no one will get them.


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